Memory Operations

A common problem in vector programming is that a “simple” pointer (such as float*) is provided, but you would like to read a vector of elements. This page describes solutions to that problem.

Using read/write

The simplest solution is to use read and write to access N consecutive elements.

std::vector<float> buffer = {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f};

float* pointer =;

// Read 2 elements: buffer[0], buffer[1]
kf::vec<float, 2> a = kf::read<2>(pointer);

// Read 3 elements: buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]
kf::vec<float, 3> b = kf::read<3>(pointer + 1);

// Write 2 elements: buffer[0], buffer[1]
kf::write(pointer, kf::vec<float, 2>(100.0f, 200.0f));

// Write 3 elements: buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]
kf::write(pointer + 1, kf::vec<float, 3>(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

Using read_aligned/write_aligned

For small data types, it can be highly beneficial to use aligned memory operations. These allow the compiler to read/write the elements more efficiently but require that the accessed pointer is aligned to a certain vector size.

// Read 2 elements: buffer[0], buffer[1]
kf::vec<float, 2> a = kf::read_aligned<2>(pointer);

// Read 2 elements: buffer[2], buffer[3]
kf::vec<float, 2> b = kf::read_aligned<2>(pointer + 2);

// This is not allowed! `pointer+1` is not aligned to 2 elements!
// kf::vec<float, 2> b = kf::read_aligned<2>(pointer + 1);

// Write 2 elements: buffer[0], buffer[1]
kf::write_aligned<2>(pointer, kf::vec<float, 2>(100.0f, 200.0f));

// Again, this is not allowed! `pointer+1` is not aligned to 3 elements!
// kf::write_aligned<3>(pointer + 1, kf::vec<float, 3>(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

Note that Kernel Float does not check the alignment, not at compile-time and not at runtime. Using an unaligned address results in undefined behavior: either a runtime crash, miscompilation, or invalid results.

Using vec_ptr<T, N>

kf::vec_ptr<T, N> is a data type that wraps a regular T* (or const T*) pointer and allows easy accessing of elements as a vector using aligned memory operations.

For example, given vec_ptr<float, 4> x, reading x[10] returns a vector containing {buffer[40], buffer[41], buffer[42], buffer[43]}. Each index advances by N elements because you’re working with vectors of size N.

The code below shows an example:

std::vector<float> buffer = {/* some data */};
float* pointer =;

kf::vec_ptr<float, 2> x = kf::assert_aligned<2>(pointer);

// Get the elements {buffer[20], buffer[21]}
kf::vec<float, 2> a = x[10];

// Set the elements at buffer[20] and buffer[21].
x(10) = kf::make_vec(42.0f, 42.0f);

In this example:

  • kf::vec_ptr<float, 2> wraps the float* pointer, allowing vectorized access to the data.

  • x[10] accesses the elements at positions 20 and 21 (10 * 2 and 10 * 2 + 1).

  • x(10) provides a way to write to the data at the same positions.

Handling Different Storage Types

A notable feature of vec_ptr is its ability to interact with data stored in a different underlying type than the one you operate with. This is achieved by specifying a third template argument U in vec_ptr<T, N, U>.

The vec_ptr class automatically handles the necessary type casting between U and T. A cast from U to T is automatically inserted after each read and from T to U before each write.

For example, suppose your data is stored in half precision, but you want to read and write it using double precision.

std::vector<half> buffer = {/* some data */};
half* pointer =;

// Create vec_ptr
kf::vec_ptr<half, 2> x = kf::assert_aligned<2>(pointer);

// Interact with the data in double precision
kf::vec_ptr<double, 2, half> y = x;

// Get the elements {buffer[20], buffer[21]} in double precision
kf::vec<double, 2> a = y[10];

// Set the elements at buffer[20] and buffer[21].
y(10) = kf::make_vec(42.0, 42.0);

In this example:

  • x is a vec_ptr<half, 2> pointing to the data stored in half precision.

  • y is a vec_ptr<double, 2, half> that allows you to interact with the data as double precision, even though it is stored as half.