Environment Variables ===================== `Kernel Launcher` recognizes the following environment variables: .. list-table:: * - Key - Default - Description * - **KERNEL_LAUNCHER_CAPTURE** - ``_`` - Kernels for which a tuning specification will be captured. The value should a comma-seperated list of kernel names. Additionally, an ``*`` can be used as a wild card. Examples: * ``foo,bar``: matches kernels ``foo`` and ``bar``. * ``vector_*``: matches kernels that start with ``vector``. * ``*_matrix_*``: matches kernels that contains ``matrix``. * ``*``: matches all kernels. * - **KERNEL_LAUNCHER_CAPTURE _FORCE** - ``_`` - Same as the previous variable. However, while ``KERNEL_LAUNCHER_CAPTURE`` skips kernels that have already been tuned (i.e., a wisdom file was found), the ``KERNEL_LAUNCHER_CAPTURE_FORCE`` will force to always capture kernels regardless of whether wisdom files are available. * - **KERNEL_LAUNCHER_CAPTURE _SKIP** - ``0`` - Set the number of kernel launches to skip before capturing a particular kernel. For example, if you set the value to ``3``, only the fourth launch will be captured since the first three launches will be skipped. Note that this option is applied on a `per-kernel basis`, which means that each individual kernel keeps its own skip counter. * - **KERNEL_LAUNCHER_LOG** - ``info`` - Controls how much logging information is printed to stderr. There are three possible options: * ``debug``: Everything is logged. * ``info``: Only warnings and high-level information is logged. * ``warn``: Only warnings are logged. * - **KERNEL_LAUNCHER_DIR** - ``.`` - The directory were the tuning specifications will be stored. Defaults to the current working directory. * - **KERNEL_LAUNCHER_WISDOM** - ``.`` - The default directory where wisdom files are located. Defaults to the current working directory. * - **KERNEL_LAUNCHER_INCLUDE** - ``.`` - List of comma-seperate directories that are considered while compiling kernels when searching for header files.