Installation ============ There are three ways of using *Kernel Launcher*: * Using CMake (recommended) * Compile a static library * Header-only library (discouraged). CMake dependency (Recommended) ------------------------------ If your project already uses CMake, integrating *Kernel Launcher* should be straightforward. First, check out the repostitory. .. code-block:: bash git clone Second, add the following lines to your ``CMakeLists.txt``:: add_subdirectory(kernel_launcher) target_link_libraries( PRIVATE kernel_launcher) Static library -------------- An alternative is to build a static library that can be linked to your project. .. code-block:: bash git clone cd kernel_launcher cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S . -B build cmake --build build You can now link your applications to `build/libkernel_launcher.a`. Further steps depend on your particular build system. Header-only library ------------------- .. warning:: Using *Kernel Launcher* as a header-only library, while possible, is discouraged: it signficantly increases build times and not all functionality is supported. However, if there is no other way, it is supported. TODO