
struct TunableParam : public kernel_launcher::Variable

A tunable parameter that is returned by ConfigSpace.

Public Functions

TunableParam(std::string name, std::vector<Value> values, std::vector<double> priors, Value default_value)

Construct a new parameter.

inline TunableParam(std::string name, std::vector<Value> values, Value default_value)

Construct a new parameter.

inline const std::string &name() const

The name of this parameter.

inline const Value &default_value() const

The default value of this parameter.

inline const std::vector<Value> &values() const

The allowed values for this parameter.

inline bool has_value(const Value &needle) const

Checks if needle is in the values returned by values().

inline const Value &at(size_t i) const

Short-hand for values().at(i).

inline const Value &operator[](size_t i) const

Short-hand for values().at(i).

inline size_t size() const

Short-hand for values().size().