struct WisdomKernel
An instance of a CUDA kernel where the configuration is loaded from a wisdom file using the provided
.Public Functions
inline WisdomKernel(KernelBuilder builder, Compiler compiler = default_compiler(), WisdomSettings settings = default_wisdom_settings())
Initialize this kernel. This will not directly compile the kernel. Compilation of the kernel happens on the first call to
or tocompile
.- Parameters:
builder – The kernel’s specifications.
compiler – The compiler to use for compilation.
settings – The wisdom settings to use load configurations.
void compile(ProblemSize problem_size, std::vector<TypeInfo> param_types, CudaContextHandle context = CudaContextHandle::current())
Explicitly compile this kernel for the given problem size and parameter types.
- Parameters:
problem_size – Use to find the configuration from the wisdom file.
param_types – Types of kernel parameters.
context – CUDA context to use for compilation.
void compile(std::vector<KernelArg> args, CudaContextHandle context = CudaContextHandle::current())
Explicitly compile this kernel for the given problem size and parameter types.
- Parameters:
problem_size – Use to find the configuration from the wisdom file.
param_types – Types of kernel parameters.
context – CUDA context to use for compilation.
void capture_next_launch(int skip_launches = 0)
Sets an internal flag that enables the next launch of this kernel to be captured.
- Parameters:
skip – Optionally set the number of kernel launches to skip_launches before capturing a kernel launch. For example, if
then the next 6th kernel launch will be captured.
void clear()
Delete this kernel and reset its contents.
inline WisdomKernel(KernelBuilder builder, Compiler compiler = default_compiler(), WisdomSettings settings = default_wisdom_settings())