Correctness VerificationΒΆ

Whenever you optimize a program for performance it is very important to ensure that the program is still producing the correct output. What good is a program that is fast but not correct?

Therefore an important feature of the kernel tuner is to verify the output of every kernel instance in the parameter space. To use the kernel tuner with correctness checking you need to pass the answer option to tune_kernel(). Answer is a list that should match the order and types of the kernel arguments. However, if an argument to the kernel is input-only you may insert None at that location in the list.

After kernel compilation, but before benchmarking the kernel, the kernel tuner runs the kernel once to verify the output it produces. For each argument in the answer list that is not None, it will check the results produced by the current kernel against the expected result specified in answer. The comparison is currently implemented using numpy.allclose() with an maximum allowed absolute error of 1e-6. If you want to use a difference tolerance value, use the optional argument atol.

The example in examples/cuda/ demonstrates how to use the answer option of tune_kernel():

 1import numpy
 2import kernel_tuner
 4with open('', 'r') as f:
 5    kernel_string =
 7problem_size = (4096, 4096)
 8size =
 9input_size = ((problem_size[0]+16) * (problem_size[1]+16))
11output = numpy.zeros(size).astype(numpy.float32)
12input = numpy.random.randn(input_size).astype(numpy.float32)
14filter = numpy.random.randn(17*17).astype(numpy.float32)
15cmem_args= {'d_filter': filter }
17args = [output, input, filter]
18tune_params = dict()
19tune_params["block_size_x"] = [16*i for i in range(1,9)]
20tune_params["block_size_y"] = [2**i for i in range(6)]
22tune_params["tile_size_x"] = [2**i for i in range(3)]
23tune_params["tile_size_y"] = [2**i for i in range(3)]
25grid_div_x = ["block_size_x", "tile_size_x"]
26grid_div_y = ["block_size_y", "tile_size_y"]
28#compute the answer using a naive kernel
29params = { "block_size_x": 16, "block_size_y": 16 }
30results = kernel_tuner.run_kernel("convolution_naive", kernel_string,
31    problem_size, args, params,
32    grid_div_y=["block_size_y"], grid_div_x=["block_size_x"])
34#set non-output fields to None
35answer = [results[0], None, None]
37#start kernel tuning with correctness verification
38kernel_tuner.tune_kernel("convolution_kernel", kernel_string,
39    problem_size, args, tune_params,
40    grid_div_y=grid_div_y, grid_div_x=grid_div_x,
41    verbose=True, cmem_args=cmem_args, answer=answer)

This example uses the run_kernel() function of the kernel tuner to run a single kernel and return its results, with almost the same interface as tune_kernel(). In this example we run a naive CUDA kernel whose results are trusted to be correct.

The answer list is constructed out of the results from the naive kernel, but only includes the kernel arguments that are actually outputs. The arguments that are input are replaced by a None value in the answer list before the list is passed to tune_kernel().

There are cases, however, where simply comparing the results computed on the device to precomputed values is not enough, and more flexibility is necessary. In this case, it is possible to use the verify option of tune_kernel() and specify a callable object that implements a user-defined correctness check. This function should accept three parameters: cpu_result, gpu_result, and atol. Although the name of the parameters can be different, their semantic is position dependent and reflected in the names used in the documentation.

The example in examples/cuda/ demonstrates how to use the verify option of tune_kernel(); what follows is a snippet from the example:

 1# gpu_result
 2args = [sum_x, x, n]
 3# cpu_result
 4reference = [numpy.sum(x), None, None]
 5# custom verify function
 6def verify_partial_reduce(cpu_result, gpu_result, atol=None):
 7    return numpy.isclose(cpu_result, numpy.sum(gpu_result), atol=atol)
 8# call to tune_kernel()
 9first_kernel, _ = tune_kernel("sum_floats", kernel_string, problem_size,
10    args, tune_params, grid_div_x=[], verbose=True, answer=reference, verify=verify_partial_reduce)

The first argument, cpu_result, is mapped to the NumPy array provided to the answer option; in this example it is mapped to reference. The second argument, gpu_result, is mapped to the NumPy array provided to the arguments option of tune_kernel(); in this example it is mapped to args. The third argument, atol, is set to None; the default maximum allowed absolute error of 1e-6 is then used.

In the example, the user-defined verify function is used to compare the partial results, computed on the GPU, to the final result, computed on the CPU. The same could not be achieved just by using the answer option, because the number of elements in args[0] does not necessarily match the number of elements in reference[0] in this example.